British Schoolgirls - Colorful, Embarrassing & Make-Up

British schoolgirls: colorful, embarrassing and make-up

According to the charity organization of the National Society for Presence of Revolution to the Children, children are singing their colors using mechanics to avoid ethnic abuse.

Research has been reported that since 2015-16, there has been an increase in racism based on racial abuse with children.

The total number of crimes against children throughout the United Kingdom in 2017-18 was more than 10500, in the case of a total of 29 crimes in a day.

A 10-year-old girl told the charity that she tried to sore her face because other children called her 'Mila'.

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The child who called for helpline 'Childland' on the help line provided by the charity organization said, 'My friends stopped walking around with me because people started asking them that they Why are the maiden girl's friends? '

The child says, 'I was born in the UK, but the children told me to go back to my country. I do not understand because I belong to the UK. '

He had to say more, 'I tried to sore my face before using makeup so that I could get tired of people. I want to go to school and enjoy me.

'These things troubleshoot me'
A 11-year-old Asian girl told the Helpline that she used i-liner to bring her change in shape.

The child said, 'I am threatened in school because I am Chinese.' Other children say that my skin is yellow and I call on many names. These things depress me. '

He had to say more, 'I tried to bring the change in my shape by applying the i-liner so that I could feel like other people. I do not want to tell my parents because these things will disturb them. '

While a 16-year-old girl belonging to a Muslim family said that people call her a terrorist and asks where she comes from, go back there.

'I wear the traditional costumes of Muslims and I think this thing targets me.'

The girl had to say more, 'I usually bend my head and do not cry at all, but now I'm really afraid that nobody can attack me.'

According to the research, the number of crimes against children under 18 years of age in the police record increased from 8683 to 20171-18 to 10571.

'Emotion emotions'
Research found that the girls were more likely to contact the child line and this problem was the most common among the 12 to 15 years of children.

Childhood head John Cameron says, "Children who suffer from such kind of mute can harm the feelings of children for a long time and can cause more division in society."

According to them, 'If we see a child kissing on the other side, we will need to deal with it strictly. We have to explain that this behavior is not good and it is very painful. '

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