New Law British Columbia Will Stop Fuel Powered Vehicles By 2040

The new law in British Columbia will stop fuel-powered vehicles by 2040
A new law has been passed in British Columbia, aimed at preventing the manufacture and sale of fuel burning cars. This legislation in the province of Canada is considered to be the most stringent legislation in North America.

According to this law, 10 percent of cars sold till 2025 will be the zero emission, and sales of 20 liters of fuel burnt and trucks will be banned.
Zero emission cars include electric cars, plug-in hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell models.

This law has been called the Zero Emission Vehicle Act. It is criticized too much. The critics on this law say that if the sale of fuel burning cars in British Columbia is banned, then the province Residents will buy a car from the neighboring province of Alberta.

There is also a credit system for car makers in this law, according to which if the carpenter company does not want to make or make zero-digit cars, give extra money to help improve the environment.
At present, only 6 percent of the sales sold in British Columbia are zero operations.

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