In the era of modern technology, where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is talked about, its increasing development is also worrying some people, but despite all the concerns, people around the world are not investing billions of dollars in Artificial Intelligence Don't hesitate. This is why Sam Altman, CEO and co-founder of Open AI, has said that he is not concerned about the cost of developing generative AI. "If we are doing something for the society, I don't care how much money we are spending," he said. He said, "Whether we bring 500 million dollars annually or 5 billion dollars or 50 billion dollars. I don't care.
Sam Altman is among those who have played an important role in bringing Artificial Intelligence to the public. After the invention of computers and then the Internet, Artificial Intelligence is considered the third greatest human advance in the field of technology. Sam Altman was giving a special lecture for emerging entrepreneurs at Stanford University. He founded 'Open AI' as a non-profit organization in 2015. However, Open AI now says that the cost of technological development cannot be covered by non-profit sources. Sam Altman said "Chat GPT4 is the most useless model, one that hardly any of you will ever use again."
As one of the founders of this Technology, what he has to say is quite significant. It shows how talented and powerful his future types will be. During his talk, he said that 'no matter how much investment is made in Artificial Intelligence, it is less compared to the benefits that the society will get due to it.'