Facebook contract employees see private posts of users

Facebook contract employees see private posts of users

According to a new report on Twitter, Facebook's contract employees see the private posts of the users on Facebook and R Instagram. These employees label the private posts of Facebook and Instagram to improve artificial intelligence.
Like other technology companies, facebook also uses machine learning and artificial intelligence for content rating on their platforms.
However, it is important that the software should be told about different types of content. To improve this algorithm, Facebook employees have to analyze data samples. Manually manages this data and labels it. This process is called data annotation.
According to the ritual report, Facebook has outsourced an Indian firm WiPro.

This firm divides consumer posts into five categories with 260 employees. These categories include seals or food pictures and significant events (such as birthday or marriage).
VW's employees review Facebook and InstaGamm's status updates, videos, photos, shared links and stores. Every post is seen for two employees, and two of them have to review about 700 items each day.

Facebook has confirmed that the V-V is reviewing the contents of their platforms. This content includes private posts shared with some friends. This content has several names and other sensitive information. Facebook reported that 200 such projects are operating around the world, where thousands of people label the posts.

People in a large office in China label labels of self-driving cars to identify pedestrians and cyclists. This work is taken without bringing in Internet knowledge of many Internet users. This is what Google's captcha system, which is known as consumer identities, can be found to be human.
This data is used to improve artificial intelligence.
This type of work is important for many purposes, but the problem is when it works on private data. Recent investigations have shown that employees used labels on sensitive data, they have collected sensitive information from amazon acoustic devices and color security cameras.
When you are talking to Alixa, you do not even think that a person is sitting and listening to it, but it happens.
The problem is worse when this type of work gets reduced to low-quality companies. FPS says it's legal and privacy team approves the data labeled. FPS says That they have recently introduced auditing systems for data privacy. Although the company is still violating the EU's new GDP, in which many restrictions on the use of personal data on consumer data on companies Have been imposed.

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