India Once Again Ready For A Moon Trip

Chandigarh to: India once again ready for a moon trip

India says he is ready to return his second mission to 'Chandrior to' on the moon again.

This spacecraft could not be stopped last week due to technical disadvantages, but ISI said, 'Chandri Tai' will be sent to space at 43 minutes by local time on Monday.

It has been told that the organization will be able to reach the moon, "a firm said on Sunday.

Asro has hoped that this mission of spending $ 15 million is the first mission to land on the south pole.

The mission to the Moon on July 15 was stopped due to the 'technical disadvantage in launch vehicle system' 56 minutes before the scheduled time.

This news was published in Indian media that it was due to the removal of helium gas from a gas bottle in the caravage engine.

What is this mission end?
India's first mission 'Chandriwan Vain' failed to land at the moon level in 2008, but with the help of the radar, the first and most detailed discovery of the water presence on the moon.

'Chandrior Toe' will try to slowly fall on the south pole of the moon. It is believed that this part of the moon could not be lost yet.

This mission will focus on the moon level and with other things, water and minerals will be searched there, while research will also be investigated on earthquake.

India is using its strongest rocket bio-sensor satellite launch vehicle (GSLV) mark third for this mission. It is 640 tons (which is a half-fold of a filled jumbo jet 747) and its length is 44 meters equal to a 14-minute building.

This satellite-linked space vehicle is weighing 379.2kg and has three distinct parts, in which the rotating part is' arbitrator ', the moon surface and the' rotating part 'and the rotating part' ' included.

The life of the rotating part of the year is one year that will take pictures of the moon surface, with which it will also try to coincide the whole atmosphere.

The part of the surface moon has been named 'Vikram' in the name of the founder of Asro. Its weight is half and its 27-kilometer moon will be installed on its wall, which will be installed on devices which can test the land of the moon. His life is 14 days and his name is 'Pragyan' which means wisdom. It can accommodate distance from half to a distance of miles, from where it will fly on photos and statistics on the ground.

The head of the ISRO head Dr. Siwan had said before trying to launch the first time, 'When Rover starts doing his work, India can expect its first cell phone from the moon.'

How long is the journey from the earth to the Moon?
Starting on Monday, the mission is just the beginning of the 384,000 km journey to the Moon, and it is expected that the land will land on the moon or on the 7th of September.

The space agency has chosen the way to take advantage of the power of the Earth, which will help satellite to send to the moon. India did not have such strong rockets that could send Chandraan to the moon straight.

Dr. Siwan has said, "When the lender is thrown to the south pole of the moon, then it will be scary for scientists for 15 minutes."

Explaining this, he said that since then people who are controlling the space car will not have any role in that period. He added that real landing will be automatic if all things are working optimally. Otherwise the lender will fall on the moon level.

In the beginning of this year, the mission to be carried out on the moon of Israel was destroyed in the attempt to get to the surface.

Who's in the team?
About a thousand engineers and scientists have worked for this mission. But for the first time, Esro has set a female head of this campaign.

Two women are leading this moon trip to India. Program Director, Mitya Yupttha has supervised Chandra toe, while Sandhu Karidwal will guide him.

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