Solar Eclipse: Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Participating Solar Eclipse

Participating on the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the American Space Mission on the Moon on the occasion of the 50th anniversary, people who witnessed stars in various parts of the world, including other countries of Pakistan and South Asia, besides the large number of people on the part of the partial moon view Have seen

On July 16, 1969, Spabbage Nail Armstrong, Buzz Allen and Michael Collins were shifted to Apollo's spacecraft over the set-up fire rocket in just 11 minutes.
Four days later, Nile Armstrong and Buzz Allen became the first man to step on the moon level.

According to the British time, at night 10:30, the surface of the natural circuitary rotation of the earth was seen as red or deep gray color.
Moon moon occurs when the earth comes between sun and moon. In such a way the sun is behind the earth and the moon runs in the shadow of the earth.
During the part of the moon, not full moon, but part of the moon. The deepest shadow area goes back to the ground, called 'Amba'.

According to the BBC, during the moonlight, most clean sky was expected, meaning that in the UK most parts of the UK could have seen this moon collapse.
This scene was seen in Europe except in Europe, South Asia, America's eastern parts and in Western Australia.

Partial moonlight can be seen only on the night of the entire moon.
It is expected that the next moonlight view would not be possible before November 19, 2021.
The recent moon moon, also called 'Super Blood Wolf', appeared in the UK in January this year.
The viewers of the stars in the UK will not get this scene until 2029.

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